Hitting is HARD
Hitting Approach provides you with the data you need to be more successful on game-day.
Decision Making % is determined by the hitter. They simply answer “Was this pitch a good pitch to swing at?” in the postgame report and the data is recorded.
Quality plate appearance data as been automatically generated by other charting companies, but true QPA or “QUAB” data must take into account the situation and the thought process of the hitter. Hitting Approach does just that.
Every answer to your hitter’s customized questions are recorded and posted on the summary feedback report, making it easy to see what a hitter’s mentality was during a particular AB, series, or time period when they were swinging the batt well or not.
Your one stop shop for QPA, Decision Making, takes, swings, edge takes and swings, timing, vertical accuracy and more. The place to compare your hitters, rank them, or find team trends.
Filter every hitter’s data in Batting Average, Contact %, Whiff %, Take %, Spray Charts, and Hard Hit Balls on pitch type, runners on base, batter handedness, count, individual batter, or opponent.
Want to know how often hitters make contact with certain pitches in certain areas of the zone?
How often does a hitter swing and miss? Where? What pitches? What counts? Against who?
What pitches and zones are is the hitter taking? Are pitchers freezing hitters in certain locations/counts? What are hitters seeing well/not seeing well? Is the hitter being too passive or aggressive?
Where are hitters putting balls in play? Ground balls? Fly balls? Line Drives?
How hard are balls being put in play? Where and on what pitches are hitters generating soft, weak, medium, hard, and “rocket” contact?